Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

Boat Plans Skiff

 Anchored in Antigua this past week has been great to see all the new Yachts and old favorites.
Going to shore in the dinghy I spotted a great big huge blue masking taped penis on the stern of the motor yacht " NERO". Never got the story behind this as yet but I wanted to share it with you all plus some other favorites.
I hope you can see it . Its just under the sheer cove stripe.
A nice phallus sprit 
A new schooner with a modern one
Your basic one
Oh... Its So big.
Modern one
Heres one coming out of the deck.

Id show you a picture of Hogfish Maximuss bow sprit but its so small compared to these I will refrain for now. Too embarrassing.

 Oh  , Ok...here it is. Dont laugh !

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